One Public Education Now: crowdfunding a constitutional challenge to eliminate public funding of the Catholic school system

One Public Education Now: crowdfunding a constitutional challenge to eliminate public funding of the Catholic school system

One Public Education Now (OPEN) is a coalition of groups and individuals who are crowdfunding for a constitutional challenge through our courts to eliminate the public funding of the duplicate Catholic Separate school system. To learn more and contribute to […]

The CSA applauds proposed legislation to repeal Canada’s blasphemy law

The CSA applauds proposed legislation to repeal Canada’s blasphemy law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Legislation to Repeal Canada’s Blasphemy Law Applauded by National Secularist Organization TORONTO, ON–(Marketwired – June 08, 2017) – The Canadian Secular Alliance (CSA) applauds the government’s legislation to repeal Section 296 (blasphemous libel) from the Canadian Criminal […]

Sign the petition demanding repeal of Canada’s blasphemy law

Sign the petition demanding repeal of Canada’s blasphemy law

  Sign the petition to the Government of Canada demanding that Canada’s blasphemy law (Section 296 of the Criminal Code) be repealed: If we can get 500 signatories in 120 days (June 22, 2016 to October 20, 2016), the […]

Religion Does NOT Trump Human Rights: Donate to our Trinity Western University Court Case Intervention

Religion Does NOT Trump Human Rights: Donate to our Trinity Western University Court Case Intervention

With your support the Canadian Secular Alliance helped make Canadian secular history earlier this year. We successfully intervened in the Supreme Court of Canada case which ruled against the mixing of church and state in the form of religious prayers […]

The CSA hails landmark Supreme Court ruling that prayer at city council meetings infringes on freedom of conscience and religion

The CSA hails landmark Supreme Court ruling that prayer at city council meetings infringes on freedom of conscience and religion

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE National Secularists Hail Landmark Supreme Court Decision Invalidating Public Prayers TORONTO, ON – (April 15, 2015) – The Canadian Secular Alliance (CSA) is hailing today’s landmark unanimous Supreme Court decision invalidating public prayers in Canada’s city governments. […]

CSA to Ontario government: save $500 million/year with one secular school system

CSA to Ontario government: save $500 million/year with one secular school system

The Canadian Secular Alliance’s pre-budget submission to the Government of Ontario notes that budgetary savings of at least $500 million per year can be achieved by moving to a single, secular, publicly funded school system. Read the submission here.

Policy on the Office of Religious Freedom:   Protecting the Rights of Atheists and the Non-Religious

Policy on the Office of Religious Freedom: Protecting the Rights of Atheists and the Non-Religious

          The Canadian Secular Alliance urges our government to protect the rights of atheists and the non-religious by expanding the mandate of the Office of Religious Freedom (read more…)      

CSA says “no” to Pope John Paul II Day

CSA says “no” to Pope John Paul II Day

On May 9, 2014, the Canadian Secular Alliance sent a written submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights concerning concerning Bill C-266: An Act to Establish Pope John Paul II Day: The Canadian Secular Alliance asks the Senate […]

End Public Funding of Alberta’s Evangelical Schools

End Public Funding of Alberta’s Evangelical Schools

      April 29, 2014 End Public Funding of Alberta’s Evangelical Schools Schools receive government funding while they violate the rights of children CALGARY, ALBERTA–(Marketwired – April 29, 2014) – The constitutional rights of students in Alberta’s alternative public […]

The CSA Has Serious Concerns with Quebec Bill 60

The CSA Has Serious Concerns with Quebec Bill 60

The Canadian Secular Alliance has serious concerns with the Quebec’s Bill 60:  Charter affirming the values of State secularism and religious neutrality and of equality between women and men,and providing a framework for accommodation requests The CSA favours instead a […]

The Canadian Secular Alliance

The Canadian Secular Alliance is a non-profit, public policy research and advocacy organization advancing church-state separation and the neutrality of government in matters of religion. We seek to represent all Canadians, religious and non-religious alike, who believe that the Canadian government should adopt public policies consistent with a secular state.

The CSA believes in church-state separation—the idea that the government of Canada should not favour one religion over others, or religious belief over non-belief. Our commitment is to liberal-democratic principles of equality, fairness and justice for all under the law, regardless of religious belief or lack thereof.

Learn more about us